Eastern Shore Sanctuary
& Education Center

The Basics

About Us

About Chickens

About Food

About Veganism

About You

The Connections












Located on the Delmarva Peninsula, where 13 million birds are slaughtered every week, Eastern Shore Sanctuary and Education Center provides a haven for hens and roosters who have escaped or been rescued from the poultry and egg industries or other abusive circumstances. In addition to sheltering and advocating for chickens, we conduct research and community education aimed at diet change and agriculture reform.

At the local level, our special missions are:

  • (1) to provide sanctuary to local roosters and hens who have escaped from factory farms or fallen from trucks headed for the slaughterhouse;
  • (2) to learn and teach about the poultry industry, which has polluted the local environment and oppressed local farmers and workers; and
  • (3) to demonstrate that both diet change and agriculture reform are both possible and positive.
At the national and international levels, our special missions are:
  • (1) as space allows, to provide sanctuary to former egg factory inmates, roosters confisgated from cockfighting operations, and othter birds rescued from abusive situations;
  • (2) to speak out as citizens living in a region that has been despoiled by the poultry industry, in the hope of preventing the spread of factory farming to other regions; and
  • (3) to promote awareness, among both animal activists and social or environmental justice activists, of the connections between the exploitation of animals and other social problems such as poverty, hunger, sexism, racism, violence, and environmental destruction.

Want to help the birds? Send a donation to the address below or use the Paypal button at left to make an online contribution using a credit or debit card.

Eastern Shore Sanctuary; 13981 Reading Ferry Road; Princess Anne, MD 21853